
what i need...

over a year ago i was dealing with some difficult things in my life. i wasn't sure what the future held nor was i sure where i was going in my life. in a moment of personal inspiration i wrote out a list of things that i felt were most important in my life. they are, to me, needs that will, one day, i believe lead me to greater happiness. the list has lift me up out of one of the hardest places i have ever found myself and brought me to path toward excellence.

in my life...

i need to understand myself better and clearly establish my own life path.
i need to find my way to that path each day.
i need to know my strengths and weaknesses better so i can improve as an individual.
i need to clear my life of undo stress.
i need to let go of anger, hurt, hate, and pain.
i need to organize my life and establish habits and define my priorities.
i need to live an inspired life and feel motivated each day to grow, to change, to achieve, to create.
i need to live my dreams and make them real in my life.
i need a relationship that is healthy and builds both parties up, that they will strengthen one another.
i need a rapport of equal measure.
i need to strive to love my other each day and show it in every moment, even the worst.
i need a partner that is willing to jump into life & adventure with me.
i need a partner that excites me to act upon my dreams, my goals, my abilities, my strengths.
i need two hearts working together to overcome pain, to achieve happiness, to create peace, to know joy.
i need to be that partner that i long for.
i need to reacquaint myself with silence, reflection, meditation and my own thoughts
i need to continually strive toward goals, actively living for improvement, regularly raising my personal standards.
i need to love all of me, even that which i wish to change and look upon myself with respect to the power, strength and intelligence within.
i need to record my thoughts, my ambitions, my dreams and my goals and be accountable to myself.
i need to make me a priority, not in selfishness but in a quest for betterment, in hope, in health.

these elements highlight the man that i want to become and the relationship that i wish to develop with those around me. at the foothills of the new year i've added a few other ideas...

i need friends that encourage the best of me and will inspire me to reach higher.
i need to show the respect, courtesy, and compassion that i expect from those that i call friends.
i need to find challenge and room for growth in all that i do at home, at work, in relationships and my activities.
i need to find the power of the spirituality i cherish and seek with greater ardure to obtain its blessing.
i need to learn the impact of sacrifice and place that which is truly most important above that which is more convenient or comfortable.
nathan - signature 001

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