
the flaw in party politics

 it's not about one side vs. the other. it's not about how one faction is better than the other. it's not about how this party's morals are better than the other. that ideology and that process is what has gotten us into this bind in the first place. this nation isn't made of just conservatives or just liberals, just dems or republicans. this nation is widely diverse our government needs that diversity to function. 

our government needs to find balance and not extremes. if one party has total control then its extremism and that's not right either. our differences will make us strong and will make us more powerful. the left is seen as compassionate, the right as economically driven. we need both in a healthy dosage. without one or the other the nation would be devastated. and unfortunately the political climate in this country is pushing us further and further to devastation. there cannot be extremes in a nation as diverse as ours. 

we MUST find common ground and begin to function as a cohesive unit elected by the people to do good. our leaders weren't elected to sling mud and call names. they were elected to act in our better interest, not sit in inaction as if protesting a personal view point. they were elected to see the big picture and the overall future of this nation and act according to the values set out in the past, values that were and are broad and visionary, inclusive and timeless. but party loyalty is a cancer on this nation. party loyalty is clearly the root cause of our dysfunction. party loyalty and self interest are the reason we find ourselves here today. 

i am an independent and I refuse to hold loyalty to a party, a private club that holds its own self interest and objectives above the progress and betterment of this nation. 

many will say "but you can't change the system. it will always be this way. you have to work in it to improve it." to them i say, FALSE!  And just like the revolution that got us our independence and the revolution in france, in the former yugoslav republics, the arab spring, and revolutions that have bent to the will of the people... if enough people say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" then the will of the people will be heard. and if it takes a full and complete upheaval of this country and the leadership for our elected officials to understand that they serve OUR interests and not their own, then so be it!

i am an independent and I refuse to hold loyalty to a party, a private club that holds its own self interest and objectives above the progress and betterment of this nation. 
nathan - signature 001

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